Senin, 15 November 2010

Pursuing Education as a Career Builder: Inspiration from the Trenches

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by Meghan Houlihan

Real-world professionals advanced their degrees through education--and lived to tell their stories.
Using an education as a career builder should be an optimistic undertaking. Why? A college education provides a sense of accomplishment you earn your degree and provides for new career advancement opportunities. There are numerous success stories that speak to the achievements experienced by professionals who have returned to school.

Real-World Skills Development: Maria

Maria, who pursued an MSN-Education degree, turned her college practicum into an opportunity to develop a curriculum for a new community health nursing course at a local college. Her success in her school project led to an adjunct faculty position at the college as the community health nurse educator.

Sense of Accomplishment: Pierre and Thomas

Pierre Atilio is earning a PhD with a specialization in social and community services. Of his degree program he remarks, "Getting a degree online, I feel like I am on the cutting edge. I like being a pioneer. I find myself writing so much more than you do at traditional universities, and I feel like I am really becoming a true scholar."
Thomas Ernst worked 55 hours a week while raising two children. Through online learning, he was able to complete a four-year degree in 26 months. His experience was so positive that he is considering earning a master's degree.

Planning for the Future: Clair and Aimee

Clair Menzies decided to pursue an online MBA in order to become a CPA. She believes her degrees--a BBA and MBA--makes her more marketable and fulfill her career ambition.
Aimee Beaumont, a marketing specialist, balanced a full-time job and an MBA in Entrepreneurship. While her short-term goal is to advance within her company, she believes her degree provides her with the foundation she needs to start her own business.

Insert Your Success Story Here

Building your career through education requires commitment, but if you have a clear career vision in mind, it can provide a tremendous sense of accomplishment and pave the way to a better future. ( jobs employment )

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